The year 2020 is coming to an end and will undoubtedly be remembered.
On behalf of all the teachers and the EFIC team, we would like to thank you for your support and continued collaboration for several weeks now.
We congratulate all our students who are doing their best to stay motivated and focused on their work.
Regarding the reopening of the school on January 6, 2021, to date, no new information has been communicated to us about the conditions and a date for the reopening of the schools in the Colombo province and therefore allowing us to consider a date for the reopening of the French school.
Of course, we hope that this epidemic will be brought under control as soon as possible in order to get back to school quickly and in a sustainable manner, but we must respect the conditions imposed by the Sri Lankan authorities.
Thus, if it were possible to reduce the distance school system and, even more so, to have all students return to school, we would inform you as soon as possible and we would immediately request authorization from the competent authorities by submitting a new plan for the reopening of the EFIC to the French Embassy.
In the state, only kindergarten students will be able to return to the school on Wednesday, January 6, under the same conditions as at present.
For the other classes, we will resume distance learning.
The entire EFIC team spares no effort, time and energy to remain available, adapt and improve the courses.
I would like to thank them here on behalf of the entire school community.
Stéphanie Guillet,
EFIC Director