Dear Parents,
The contagion of COVID 19 seems to be contained to date, the conditions allowing to consider a return to the school have been validated by the services of the embassy in agreement with the management committee and the school management.
The measures taken by the school, in terms of testing and quarantine period, are those of the local health protocol attached to this information note.
The primary classes are therefore allowed to resume face-to-face classes on Monday 6 December 2021. The CNED class will continue to study remotely until the teachers are allowed to return to the classroom.
Pupils who test positive will have to provide the school management with a negative test, carried out at the end of their compulsory 14 weeks, to allow them to return to class. School staff who are also positive will do the same.
However, we recommend that all children are tested the day before they return to school.
In the case of a sibling with a positive student, other family members and siblings will have to respect a 21-day quarantine period starting from the first day of symptoms of the positive case.
Class and lunch times will be modified so that each class group can have lunch without having any contact with another group of pupils: kindergarten pupils will have lunch from 11.30am and CE2/CM at 12.30pm. The timetable remains unchanged for the other groups. The recreation time after lunch will also be reserved for one group only.
The entire school health protocol has been reviewed and reinforced. We will be attentive to the good collaboration of all to apply these essential measures to maintain the school in the classroom.
I would like to thank everyone for their collaboration in order to allow this return to school in the best conditions.
Best Regards,
Stéphanie Guillet,
School Principal